Hi, so I'm new here.... I'm new to GA, I'm new to this app... and I'm new to not working full time and getting paid very well. I'm kind of stressed because my husband doesn't want me to work. He just wants me to be a stay at home mom. I love being at home with my daughter but speaking to other humans is a priority or else I'll go insane. I want to have my own car, I want to continue school, I want to go shopping and have sushi with my friend when we need 'mommy time' .... and I need mommy time at least 5 hours a day...
@sarahchey40127, thanks, see I have been doing that. I go on walks with my daughter: we walk to the park. The closest thing we had to date night was a hibatchi buffet that had 'okay' sushi. And we went with our daughter. My husband is from Jamaica and he was raised there. So his mindset isn't similar to mine. I know for sure I can balance being a mom, working, wife and everything in between. Idk, I'm glad you see where I'm coming from though. When I work, she stays at childcare. And there's lots of other kids and she learns so much more when she's there. I see her grow more and more every time she comes home. So I know I don't have to be a stay at home mom. I can work, at least part time.
Hey. Nothing ever wrong with wanting to work for you and your family . Especially if that's what you are used to, I just had a baby so this is my first time staying home and I wouldn't trade it for the world , but part of me misses the work and bringing home money myself in order to help things. Best thing is to just be thankful your man wants you to be comfortable ... but I get it because sometimes it's like you feel somewhat guilty when you DO go out with your friends or shopping because you just are staying home all day. Working is a good reassurance. I would just have a long talk and date night with your husband and let him know how you feel and what makes you most comfortable. Take baby to the mall with a friend or pick a nice day to go walk around the park, get out of the house ! It helps