Nicole Winton
Nicole Winton
I have a quick question for all the Momma's out there if you don't mind me asking. But what did y'all do after having your Little One to lose weight and keep it off ??? My problem is I had my LO in April and for a few month's after it was nice out, so I would walk everyday at a different park with my son. But then it got way to hot out to have him that covered up bc of the sun, so I would go to the mall and walk. But geeze I can only do the mall so many time's !!!! Then it got cold out, and he was at the age of crawling and playing, so we did indoor activities. And even though he's on the move and I'm chasing lol. And Nothing !!!! I know it takes time but it's been about 6 month's. I mean I should have seen something by Now, but Nothing !!!! I know I don't eat good, that's if I eat at all. It's not like we don't have food in our home, it's just that I honest to God just plain forget. B/c when Bentlee goes down, I clean up his mess, and continue to clean whatever it may be. But I do have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. So unfortunately I'm also limited as well, but Blessed to be able to still do pretty much everything by myself and on My Own. I'm able to live without constant care and I don't need help with my son while my husband is at work (*AMEN*). So Please NO Special Treatment !!!!
#ConfusedMomma #FTMNeedingHelp #BeHonest

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@beebaby I would love that !!!! I'm new to this, so how do you message me ?? Do you need me email address ??
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I have some tips, I can message you
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@bean0420 I'm having trouble losing weight and keeping it off too!
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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