Since weaning (my son is 15 months and only about two weeks fully weaned), I've been hearing the "I'm hungry" excuse to stall bedtime. Tonight, he got more creative and was crying for "crayon!" I'm not ready for this! Lol!

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Started solids at 6 months and continued to breastfeed on demand. Solids slowly replaced nursing naturally until we were only nursing before two naps and before bed around 1 year. Then I weaned him off nursing before naps. There were some tears at first. I'd hold him and tell him the milk was all gone. He understands "all gone" so it made sense to him since my supply had been naturally declining with less nursing. At first I'd let him watch the Zootopia music video on my phone until he fell asleep on my lap (not a great choice, but he needed a distraction). Eventually I did the same thing at night. Then I "weaned" him off the video. Now we read his favorite books until he's super sleepy and then I sing and he falls asleep. I'll rock him to sleep as long as he'll let me. I love it. The routine, repetition and patience are the keys. Babies like knowing what to expect and what comes next. Now my son asks for naps when he's tired and pushes books away when he's ready to fall asleep. I'm a big fan of following your baby's lead with this stuff!
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Omg how did you start weaning?!
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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