The way that that the morning after pill is given out like sweets and taken like sweets.. 😞.. you know its a possibility of pregnancy if you have sex... Do you not realise the pill is a silent abortion....

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please dont comment again.
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I will leave you alone but I'd like to know how I've insulted or attacked you? I've given my personal opinion and stuff you've said you have come across uneducated on the subject!! The fact you can say the morning after pill is murder just proves how uneducated and nasty you are! Murder is such a strong word and for you to say that is attacking every women on here that has ever got into trouble or made a mistake!! @taralou,
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
oh and i would delete post or block people but right now the app isnt letting me..
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
please stop insulting me.. i am debating abotion/morning after pill/ murder, im not getting personal... telling people they are uneducated, naive, i cant take it, dont say nothing... i havnt personally attacked anyone here... but i see that people have personally attacked me. Even if it wasnt personal to begin with it has now turned into that...
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@taralou, why should I that's what it's here for? Do you not get the meaning of this app? Sorry I don't have the same opinion as you! But you can't expect everyone to!! I don't think I've been bitchy or picked on you at all I've just given my opinion like you have! I just think if you write things like that you need to grow up and fight your corner instead of pulling a strop about people not agreeing with you!!
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Stop commenting on my post!
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@taralou, it's wrong in your opinion not everyone else's! You put a very controversial status up so you need to be able to take the back lash and so far all you've done is got offended by it!! People are obviously going to be offended by what you've put because of their personal experiences!! Yes you're entitled to your opinion but if it offends people so much maybe think twice about sharing it if you can't take the after affect!! Life isn't black and white and the sooner people realise that the better!!
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
at the end of the day we will have to agree to disagree I understand your point but me personally don't agree with it a life is a life and is a blessing I see nothing wrong with sharing your opinions I have see posts were people talk about have abortions like it's nothing and I know people who have been hurt by the post so it goes both ways
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i think people mis read the post...
you lot meaning who... ?? everyone is against my view and before mummagordon commented it was everyone against me...
abortion/morning afterpill/killing babies is wrong.... whether they are in the womb or out the womb...
iv had 8 miscarriages one being 18 weeks, and i would never throw a child away.
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was told at the age of 17, I would probably not be able to have kids. My boyfriend gave me chlamydia which I had for 2 years. And @mummagordon my best friend had an abortion not long after because she wasn't in a stable job. My mum had had an abortion as well as 3 miscarriages. So i personally have No issue. It's down to the individual and they shouldn't be shunned for that. It's tough enough without you lot making them feel worse with comments like this.
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i also know a crack head that kept her baby.... ok baby went cold turkey but now he is a beutiful lil soul... lovely life...
and that was my point exactly @mummagordon hence the word taking them like sweets! taking them for selfish reasons..
clearly isnt my wording because some people understand it.
if you all took as much time looking at this post as researching it urself, you would find the truth.... and some people have deleted their comments, hear that sound???? did the penny drop.
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I know people that have 1 night stands,have unprotected sex just after Child birth, because a baby will ruin there life's and much more selfish reasons to have an abortion x
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I have a question how dou you think it makes people feel that can not have kids of no fault of there own and people are out there having abortions like it's going out of fashion people abuse the fact that they can terminate a unborn Child merjority of people that have them it's not because of the reason you state
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm curious. A woman I knew (she passed away) was on heroin, Addicted. She begged, borrowed and stole to pay for it. I cared for mother. She was raped one night and she said to her mum she didn't think it was fair to have this baby as it would be born Addicted to drugs. Therefor she took the pill. Now everyone is entitled to their opinion. But as a mother yourself, do you feel in those circumstances that a helpless child should have been born ADDICTED to an illegal substance? Unable to be taken care of...
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thankyou @mummagordon xx

And also a few comments removed... why??
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
we all have are opinions we are grown people and can say are views without being rude or hurting people feelings at the end of the day use a condom and not have faith in the pill I do not agree with abortions and I believe in God and my bible but I also do research and look in to things before I take them. things can be worded differently so you get your point across in a nice civil manner like grown women we are we can be friends and have different views xxxx
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thankyou for your input too.
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thankyou for your input. iv researched it.
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@taralou, I think you are extremely ignorant! If you think their isn't a difference in being pregnant for a week and having a baby for a week you clearly are uneducated on this situation so I suggest you go and do some research before you comment on something that's extremely sensitive and delicate on an app made for mums!!
23.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thankyou for your input also.
we can clearly see here that its 1 way and that you all agree with something that i dont.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
so what about people who concieve a child who develops a serious disorder in the womb? yes it isn't the child's fault but would they have a decent quality of life once born? you would think it right to allow that child to suffer? it is one of the hardest decisions a lot of women have to make. don't call people selfish for it. if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
im not gonna reply to that. but thankyou for your input
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Murdering a baby ? oh wow what a pathetic and naive comment. It's defently not a silent abortion it's to prevent pregnancy please get your facts before you post status that can offend a lot of people based on your "opinion" and not facts
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Right people. i didnt mean to offend anyone. i was just writing a status that was on my mind. i do certainly stand by it but im sorry to all of you, my intentions wasnt this.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
What does another persons life have to do with yours?
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
What's your reasons for making such a status huh? The same as anyone does on here. For people to see & respond. You may be 28 with kids but your not showing any understanding or empathy for anyone with beliefs other than your own. You started a debate by making such a comment, so you should be prepared for a variety of responses.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
please dont insult me, im 28 with 3 children. i havnt made childish comments neither am i naive. I dont look at myself as being a bigger person. i havnt tried to push my beliefs on anyone at all...
i wrote a status and people commented i havnt got myself involved in anyones buisness. im not here to argue/debate anyone....
whats your reason for commenting- to stick up for people who take morning aftet pill/abortion.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I used to be naive & say similar comments like you have made today. When I was a teenager & thought I knew it all & actually I knew nothing. Now I'm an adult & have better empathy for people in different situations. If you could raise a baby after being raped or have known someone, well done you. But not everyone could. That doesn't make you a better person I'm afraid. This is a never ending debate because what one person can deal with, another can't. Simple as. I really dislike people that push their beliefs on to others. If it doesn't affect you personally then it's none of your business what others choose to do. Unless your going to personally raise all these babies that these ladies couldn't! lol
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
im not ignorant to most peoples situation... i know many in all sorts. i dont need to walk in anyones shoes to know its wrong. i am fully aware people have different views on the matter but it doesnt make it right. i wasnt judging anyone in particular... i said what i thought.
whats the difference between being pregnant for a week or having a week old baby?
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@taralou, I think it's a super delicate subject!! Every story is different and as much as your entitled to your opinion you're wrong to judge as you're probably ignorant of most peoples situation!! Don't make people feel bad for making a decision that would probably be the hardest decision of their lives!! Until you've walked in their shoes you have no possible way of knowing how they are feeling!!
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Your right. Some people dont know any different and actually see theres nothing wrong murdering a baby.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Regardless of your beliefs, women have the right to choose. Whether you agree or not doesn't really matter. If someone isn't emotionally or financially able to cope with a baby then is it fair for them to be born & thrown in to care? Another debate maybe. You have your views & that's fine. But we're not all religious & will agree with you either.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
yes i get that women automatically think like this bit when it boils down to it, its for selfish reasons, like how we feel. That baby hasnt done anything wrong. Thats the result of a sick perverted man... but its not the babies fault.... and this is the worse case scenario..... theres women out there completely in love with their partner, and just dashing their baby in the bin.... how can anyone think thats right...
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@littleelf85 if I was raped and that resulted in pregnancy I wouldn't be able to grow that baby inside of me nor give birth to it either x
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i also know someone who kept a baby in them circumstances.... i rate her for it. Her mum has took on the baby. "what did the baby do wrong?" you have a different view to me and it really makes me sad. I also have Biblical beliefs so it reinforces my view. Who are we to choose to give or take life. I get that its a fallen world and its only getting worse.. Its just a really passionate subject for me...
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
ok lets look at it your way. Its preventing or delaying life if its not already implanted. However conception can takeplace between a few hours upto 5 days.. so if your pregnant and then take any of the 2 morning after pills that are now available 1 of them being upto 5 days... then it will strip it away and make a miscarriage. People dont need to abort babies, they choose to.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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