Sara lynch
Sara lynch
My son is FINALLY sleeping in his crib AND sleeping the WHOLE night 🤗😊😳🎉

It felt like this day would never come!
Hang in there mommas!

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Yeah my bed is like that too but he typically sleeps on me not next to me.
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@missjess, hang in there!💕

Idk if this helps but we had our bed in the corner of the room so when I slept I could switch side no matter where my son was and didn't have to worry about him falling off the bed. That one only way I'd sleep so I was able to sleep facing away and kinda feel like I got my bed back 😂
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ugh! I know I need to break him if that habit of needing me to go to sleep. My ex can get him to sleep without a bottle but he knows I'm mommy so I have the goods lol. Unfortunately his father and I are split up and he lives 3 hours away so it's not like he can help me. I guess I'm going to have to try and start doing trial and error. It took forever to find out what would have him sleep even just a little on his own now I need to figure out how to make it longer and so he's not dependent on me.
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@missjess, it's whatever you are comfortable with. My son when I first tried to put him in the crib he would scream/cry stand up and throw his pacifier across the room and he would cry so hard he'd start burping and hyperventilating.. he cried more than 1 1/2 hours and then he'd fall asleep for 15 mins then get back up and do it again. First couple time I caved in and just had him sleep with me cause I needed to sleep. But this past week it just needed to be done. My doctor said you need to put him in the crib awake. Because he needs to learn to put himself to sleep. Not to think I need to set him up for him to fall asleep. I still breastfeed him before bed if he's wide awake other than that I'll just put him in of he's really sleepy.

It also helps that he takes 1-2 naps a day now. If he takes only 1 nap he'll sleep like a baby that night. Before I'd have to have him sleep on me for naps.. that was the only way he'd sleep. Either on me for napping or in my arms at night for going to sleep.
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I've brought it up to my sons Doctor too and she said let him cry for 15 mins ( doesn't do anything but son has cried hysterically for over an hour when I first started putting him in his crib.) she also said put him to sleep half asleep but he won't. He falls asleep on the boob or bottle. I make sure he's fed anywhere from 6-9 oz before bed and then he pacifies on me if he's still awake. I know I'm like enabling him with the boob but it's what works, and idk how to break him of it. I'm single mom. But he'll fall asleep with other people holding him but with me he has to be on the boob 🙄 it's tiring fighting him all night and I just want to sleep comfortably in my bed by myself!
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@missjess, My son just turned 1 and I have been co sleeping. He would still wake up 3+ times during the night for me to breastfeed him then go back to sleep. It killed me. He had a doctors appointment and I brought that up. He said he's not hungry it's for comfort and it's a routine. He should be sleeping longer hours. He suggested we take a weekend and make sure he's clean fed and what not and just let him cry it out over the weekend and by Monday he'll be fine.

I hated this idea I didn't want him to feel abandoned.. but it's been a year with no sleep and he needs to learn to sleep in his crib. He shares a room with us so my husband and I slept in the living room for 3 nights. The last two night, I get my son ready for bed put him in his crib he'll cry, I'll shut the lights off and about 1-2 mins later he's laying down on his tummy quiet. And doesn't wake up in the middle of the night.

I understand crying it out doesn't work for everyone. But it worked for us.

I haven't cuddled with my husband in over a year at night, so it was definitely worth it for us 😊
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I can't wait for this day!! Lol I feel like it's not going to be any time soon 😫 my son sleeps 1-3 hours max and he's up. And it's a constant thing all night till I'm to tired and just have him with me
21.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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