Hello ladies! My husband and i have been trying to conceive.... it's been a rough journey :( 2 miscarriages and now we are seeing a fertility doctor. Is there anyone who has gone through the same experience that can give me some advice...
Congrats! So far everything has came back normal. I think it could be that I stress a lot and not allowing my body to be healthy... I heard of the prenatal seed... I may try it! This month was my second round of clomid and first round of hsg (trigger shot) hopefully I get a positive by next week:)) thanks for your story & advice! How old is your baby? @kelcyfreese
I had PCOS, one miscarriage, and tried for a year and a half before getting pregnant again. I saw a fertility specialist and she suggested I go on birth control for 2 months, take prenatals prior to pregnancy and I also used preseed and clearblue digital opks. It worked the cycle after I stopped birth control.(: