what is up with schools not doing time outs for bad behavior now a days. how do you expect the parents to correct the bad behavior when they where not even there or it been hours since the kid did what they did. I hate it . no wonder kids are so bad now a days. the parents cant spank with out police knocking on the door. the teacher can't say nothing to the kids. it is making parents weak the kid starts to cry and the parents run off to make them stop crying instead of just checking that the kid is ok and letting them figure things out. it is so annoying I got spanked and I am perfectly fine. I got time out and I am perfectly fine. people sound so stupid when they say that is how you scare a child or that is why they act out hell no that is how I knew I can't do that. shit if I did not think I was going to be in deep shit if I came home knocked up I would of been like a lot of girls at school with a belly in my graduation pictures.