why do i see that alot of moms get induced before the 40 weeks? i know induced is when they make you have the baby . what is it exactly? whats the process?? just curious. ftm
For me they started with a pill, then a catheter balloon inside me, then broke my water, then pitocin. I was in labor for 2 days but it started at 41 weeks 3 days👶🏽
induced at 41weeks was pass due ..was given pitocin then few hrs later water broke...also u read that getting induced being a ftm could have u in labor up 2-3days @dayan48
I was induced at 39 weeks for being uncomfortable. I was given cervadil the night before my induction to help my cervix. Then I was given pitocin and not long after dr broke my water and I labored as normal. Pitocin makes you have contractions. It basically jump starts labor.
I had my son at 41 weeks, but I had to be induced for my daughter because of complications. But I actually went into labor 2 days before my induction date.