My SO and I have been together for 4 years now and I don't feel the same as I used to.. I got pregnant when we were still in the honeymoon phase and since then everything has gone down hill. Not all of it is his fault.. a lot has to do with his mother whom we live with. I hate her and.. I mean I don't wish bad things on her cuz I'm a Buddhist but if she was standing in the street and a car was coming I'd probably go make a sammich.. (is that too harsh? Oh well..) anyways it's gotten so bad between me and my bf that I don't want to marry him anymore. He thinks I'm kidding when I say that but I mean it in all seriousness.. he guilt trips me into staying here. Im sick of fighting. Im sick of being a housewife cuz I never signed up to be one. I was a workaholic before I got pregnant then just like that I could no longer support myself.. I trusted him and just as much his mom to float me for awhile til I could get my good job after school cuz staying home was THEIR idea. I was the one who said it wouldn't work.. and it frickin didn't! 😒so now I'm so stuck it's unreal. I haven't worked in so long that I'm actually nervous to go back.. I was a supervisor at my last 2 jobs for eff sakes! Ehhh idk what the point of this post was.. I'm sorry I'm super tired. I guess I feel like im in a glass hole and I can't climb out anymore😞
Don't feel stuck hun!!! Don't stay for the wrong reasons if you're truly unhappy, because you're child is the only one who's gonna suffer in the end... I left my ex husband after 6 years of being a housewife... I had 2 kids to support on my own, and I was terrified and broke... BUT, I did it!!!!! Know your worth!!! You can do it!!! You just gotta have a little bit of faith in yourself and trust that everything is gonna work itself out. it'll get harder before it gets easier, but once you get past the hard part, you'll be SO much happier!!!!! Plus, the older that kids are when their parents separate, the more they're affected by it. my son was 3 1/2, my daughter was 1 1/2... my son still talks about the day his dad moved out and it messed him up for awhile (emotionally), but my daughter has absolutely no memory of us ever even being together...