Need to rant a little bit. I was watching my niece yesterday and she was absolutely horribly mean to my oldest son. She's 4, and he's 3. Normally they play just fine but yesterday she made him cry all day. When she got here he said mommy my best friend is he. She looked at him said you not my best friend or friend. He started cry. I told her she needed to play with him but she wouldn't because she wasn't friends with him. I've always told my kids they need to play and be nice to everyone because everyone needs friends and wants to have someone to play with. I told my sister what happened, she said what do you want me to do, she doesn't know what she's saying and I'm not stopping her. Rude is rude and you have to teach her better and make her have manners. Well I decided that she's not allowed over anymore since she won't play with my kids and is making my oldest cry. Am I wrong for doing this? I don't want my son's feelings hurt. I understand that not everyone is going to like you but this young they need to be taught better and she was in his house being mean.