@troyismyjoy, I had our miscarriage in November and tried right after. Now two months later I'm pregnant and baby is due exactly two months after my angel baby. I did a lot of research about when is s good time and what scientists could prove and all said have a better chance within the 6 months after a mc to have a successful pregnancy after that the percentages go back down to normal and I didn't want to risk it so we tried right when the bleeding stops
@jessyleigh, I Had My Miscarriage In October After That I Didn't Even Think About Getting Pregnant...Now I Think I Want Another And BD Is Down For The Cause Lol I'm Just Gonna Stay Positive And Keep High Hopes
I was/ am super nervous to but I pee on a stick every other day and waiting to hear the heart beat but the day after a miscarriage you have a greater chance of a successful pregnancy.