Sorry so late but here's my birth story .... Friday night 1/13/17 I went to work in pain and surprisingly made it through my shift to get home and lay down ... 2:30am I woke up in excruciating pain and thought it couldn't be labor pains so I sat on the toilet and tried to go back to bed when the pain settled. Getting up again at 3am with the same pain I tried the same method only to sit in the toilet and still feel a huge amount of pressure in my abdominal area and pain. It was now 330am I contacted my sister she instructed me to call the ambulance because she insisted I was in labor .... arriving at the hospital at 4am via ambulance to find out I was in labor and in fact I was already 5cm dilated .... I was given an IV and was admitted , I contacted Dylan's father , my mother and Dylan's grandmother all arriving within an hour i was given an epidural at 5 1/2 cm of dilation.... at 11am I was 8cm dilated but my water was has yet to break at that point by noon I was moved to the room I would deliver in and my water was broken by one of the doctors ... making it to 10cm by 1pm I rested and was condescending giving Dylan time to move down ... by 130 I was crowning and had to push .... during pushing Dylan stopped breathing and I was pressed for time getting him out they then used a vacuum as I pushed and my boy was out by 1:52pm weighing 6 lbs even he came out breathing too fast so the doctors did everything they could to calm Dylan's heart rate , Today we are being discharged and I have a complete healthy baby ❤👨👩👦I'm happy and blessed (real tears) but they are all of joy