I need some advice.. my LB is 5 weeks old on Wednesday and is on cow & gate milk and he's just constantly drinking/hungry.. I've tried him with cooled boiled water and he's just still looking for food.. this is just from tonight but he's on 5oz some times 6 😳 my HV told me that babies shouldn't go on Hungry baby formula until 12 weeks+ but I'm really debating putting him on it sooner as he's just constantly hungry ?? Anyone else had this problem? Or put their babies on it before 12 weeks?
Alll For of my boys was on hungry baby milk from 6 weeks old I all so use to get the ready made one as it's thicker so there bed time bottle was a hungry baby ready made one xxx
Hi. I was same at beginning. I was on atpamil first milk, changed him to hungry baby as I had same problem. It upset his tummy badly. He's now on cow and gate colic and constipation the doctor recommended. It's settled him and he's takin 6 oz starting yesterday. X
I demand fed for 9 weeks i would feed wind and changed her bum then try again see if she could take anymore he will get there Hun just persist with feeding him I agree I would put him on hungry baby milk either made my son really constipated x
I put my lb on hungrier baby at 6/7 weeks as he was constantly hungry but wouldn't drink any more than 5 oz, he was really unsettled through the day then I changed it and he become alot more content and has been ever since. he had a little bit of an upset tummy but only lasted 2 days. but I would go with what ever you feel is right for your lo☺
and are you always making different amounts of milk? try always make the same amount. 150 or 180. i always make 180 and if he's still hungry i just make some more x
hun my hv said its fine give him as much as he wants make sure u make a lot of breaks through out the feeding as that can make him realise he might be full my lo drinks always 7 oz tho haha and hes not fat just growing in lenght . already going to put him in 3-6 as he's so long. a baby that young aint overfeeding and i wouldnt give him hungry baby milk xx
Maybe try offering more oz's? Max was a very hungry newborn & fed every 2hrs, sometime's less. I debated hungry milk but I didn't want to upset his tummy so I persisted with feeding on demand. He did settle down after a few more weeks.