A lot has happened since I last visited preggie which is now mom life. Anywho since I last posted I was still 8 months pregnant with my son. he was to be due on March 4th but of course he came a little earlier and came on February 14th. Yes I know he's a Valentine's day baby. He is now 11 months on today and is big as ever and getting into any and everything. My job as a mom is never done being that I have such an active son. He is the love of my life and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Me and his dad have been doing ok for the most part and we are still together. We have to take everyday as a blessing and a lesson and keep living you know because life's to short for foolishness. I'm doing ok look my life's not at all where I want it to be. I am 28 and I feel like I'm 40 or more some days and I just want to give up but I know I can't because I have a handsome son to still be here for and raise up to be a man so I'm not going anywhere its just thoughts you know? I just pray and keep faith in my god that everything is going to be just fine. Hey ladies who can give me some great advice on how to handle anger in a mans perspective and a women's .
I wanted to come back and also give you an example of a good way to communicate your anger… you might find yourself saying something like, "you are pissing me off so much! I hate when you do that!" What you can say instead is… "I feel really angry and hurt that you did that, I need you to respect me moving forward." Generally, say how you feel (feelings are things like sad, hurt, angry, overwhelmed, disappointed, happy, excited, annoyed), and then say what you need in order to feel better.
Hi, I am new here, so I don't know anything about you… First I'd like to say that Valentine's Day babies are the best! Your son and I share a birthday LOL. Now I'll try to answer your question as best as possible… there's a quote that says, "if you explain your anger rather than expressing it, you immediately open the door to solutions." I think when you are angry, it's super important to take a pause and check yourself before you speak. It's OK to be angry about something, it is not OK to be a butt head about it. Try talking with the goal of resolving the issue. If you feel things are getting too heated, communicate with your partner and say, "listen, this is really important to me to resolve, but I am getting very angry and I need to take a break. I'm going to walk away and we will come back to this later when I am calmer." The basic rules of fair fighting are…
1. No put downs
2. No name calling
3. Stay on topic
4. Walk away if things get too heated.
5. Don't worry about who's right and who's wrong, focus on the goal of resolving your issues.
And if all else fails, don't be afraid to do couples counseling together. It really does help to learn more ways to communicate with one another. And don't forget to listen and consider each other's feelings.