So guys I just took a clearblue smart countdown digital test after getting what I feel are vvfl on a couple cheap tests. I'm 12dpo today. It was negative and I took it apart. There are two blue lines! It is a bit more blue in person but there. I called clearblue and they told me this test checks only for hcg but it has to be above 25 miu to get a pregnant readout. I'm excited I think this means I'm pregnant!!
@b3autifulm3ss I will definitely retest in a few days. I have a bunch of tests waiting. I definitely think I didn't have enough hcg. I've been getting faint positive fora couple days and haven't gotten a super dark on yet.
@heyitsdan ive also taken negatives apart, had two lines and not been pregnant so i definitely would not trust that... im not saying your not i just saying wait and test with a none digital with fmu because digitals can take more hormone to show positive