mommas that exclusively pump, any advice? how do you keep from feeling like a cow constantly? what do you do for sore nipples? how do you build your supply in storage and in breast? Clue me in.
yep, you can even get it at walmart. I haven't used it or anything. But I know people use it for supply. I also know like the gmc vitamin store sells it and may be stronger?
@jacesterlingsmommy thank you! I exclusively breastfed for about 6 weeks but between her tongue tie, my inverted nipples and low supply it was to difficult for both of us. I am pumping now to still get her the breastmilk but it's definitely a struggle.
Haha I don't think you'll ever not feel like that. Try lanolin cream for sore/ cracked nipples. Just pump as much as you can in between and after nursing to get your stash up. You can also try mothers milk tea and fenugreek pills. Oh I just saw you exclusively pump. If you are up to it having baby latch will make more milk and they can empty breasts completely unlike a pump. Keep a good diet and drink tons of fluids too.