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SOS! I need any advice on how to get my little one to sleep in his own crib in his room and not in his bassinet! He is 6 months old and is starting to pull himself up and trying to climb out of his bassinet😩 I've tried putting him in his crib before and he wants no part of it! And I'm weak when it comes to letting him cry 😭
*pic for cuteness😍👶🏻❤*

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@oliesmommy2316, everyone thought I was crazy... but I could not function on no sleep with her screaming and crying all night! We tried the just putting her in her bed 2 nights and I was like NOPE! This is just crazy! So my husband did the crib like I asked... I was close enough she could sleep and it helped her adjust to her new bed! Now when it's nap time she grabs her blanket, babbles at me and heads to her room! 😅 mommy follows snuggles her for a minute and then she wants in bed and that is that!
12.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dreamermom, that is such a great idea thank you!:)
12.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Well we had to set the crib up in our room and I pushed our bed next to it so she was close enough to still smell me... after a month we pushed the bed away from her crib by like 2 feet... after a month of that, we moved it as far from our bed as we could... then after like 2 months... we moved her to her own room and she was fine... it was easier on mommy too!
12.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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