I understand being able to work out and wanting to promote being healthy and stuff, I used to be super fit and work out at least 5 days a week and when I wasn't doing that I was always being active. What I don't understand is putting people down in the process. I've been sick for two years now, I consider showering a work out and I almost always need a nap after. Yet, somehow, the way people like me look offends others to the core. I seriously don't understand how seeing people who are out of shape can make others feel the need to publicly belittle them. It really isn't helpful. As I lower my medication I am losing weight and people feel the need to compliment me and it doesn't feel good. I am not this better, shinier person because of a number on the scale. I am still fighting my body day in and day out and I will until the day that I die. If you are someone who is utterly disgusted by fat people, give them the benefit of the doubt. There may be more going on in their life and they might have different priorities and that should be okay. If you made it through my ramblings and are constantly shamed for being too big, too small, or too whatever consider me someone you can talk to. We're all strangers here but we are all connected, at least by motherhood. ✌