@sammy_riley2016 I would check with his dr first. I think with my nephew when he turned one my sister mixed half milk half formula to make sure he didn't have any reactions
@sammy_riley2016 your welcome and its nothing wrong with her being one and still on the bottle kids move at different rates ... as long as you remove the bottle when she goes to sleep she will fine or make sure she gets enough milk before going into his bed ... a sippy cup is not better for her while she his sleeping at 1.. You will know when the time is right and it doesn't seem like he is ready ..
The only thing I could see being a issue is having to break your baby from the sippy cup. @sammy_riley2016 I am first time mom but know thats what my sisters did with their babies. I have 6 nieces and nephews
I would make sure he is good and full before bed time that way he won't need his bottle to fall asleep .... but if he needs it he won't need it when he is ready its all about when they are ready