Weaning? Here's a treatment i found. I haven't tried yet but i hope it helps..
If you begin to feel pain from engorgement, hand express or pump to empty your breasts one time, then pump or express just enough milk to reduce the pain as needed, recommends the Baby Center website. Drinking several cups of sage tea daily decreases your milk production, although you should check with your doctor before taking any supplements. Putting cold cabbage leaves into your bra and swapping them out every few hours once the leaves wilt reduces breast pain resulting from engorgement after weaning. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce breast pain from engorgement, clogged ducts or mastitis. If your pain results from a plugged duct, massaging the duct and applying heat to the area helps loosen the plug. If you develop a fever or notice red streaks on your breasts, your pain is likely a result of mastitis, which requires antibiotic treatment.