so my man grandmother asked me and I quote "so what is wrong with you why can't you get pregnant" that pissed me off so much mostly because it is none of her business. my hubby is gone at work most of the time and we miss ovulation days sometimes . plus honestly idk why she even think I am the problem when I have gotten pregnant 2 time by my ex and one by him so if any one is lacking in this is him. I am so mad and my hunny when I told him he said oh she is just old . and then I told him I though I was ovulating so we can baby dance and he did not want to he was to tired . seriously your fam is attacking me and you don't say shit then you make it even harder for me to get pregnant. 😡👿
First of all, don't let the old bag get to you. What a terribly rude thing for her to say! But, you can't let what other people say make you feel like you are worth less than you are or like you are failing. Quite frankly, it's none of her damn business why you haven't gotten pregnant yet. I'm a bitch, so I would've probably said something like, "I don't know, but since you're so interested in my reproductive life, I'll make sure you're the first to know when my egg is fertilized."
17.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i hear you just dont let other people opinion get to you. only you know your relationship. when people say things like that just brush it off and say when the time is right it will happen am focus on other things