Hi mommas!
So my daughter is 17months & she has had constipation issues, passing a stools from about 5 months old.. She is being seen by a GI doctors for about 6 months now every couple of months we go in for another appointment. Just for him to say he can't see anything wrong & keep her on medicine daily & try suppositories... But it's seems as if he is passing off the problem with " she just had a bad passing of stool when she was younger & she is holding it in now" in my eyes I don't believe that cause i BF her exclusively until she started solids. She always had soft stools. However now I just feel as the doctor & everyone else are just looking at me like I'm crazy because I'm a young mom.. & I just had seeing her in pain. We've taken out so many food from her diet that are binding & nothing seems be to helping, she is just so uncomfortable.. I'm just curious if anyone has a baby or themselves have a gluten allergy cause this is my last restore to prove them that there is something wrong than just her "holding in her stool", & if someone is dealing with the gluten allergy how did you know was that & what was the steps?! If anyone can help would be greatly appreciated.. I'm stuck for more help!
Thank you ❣

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Before I even finished reading your post gluten crossed my mind. I have celiac but my problem was the opposite of constipation. However, either goes with it. I've had it most of my life. I know gluten can cause many many problems for some. Gas, bloating, acid reflux, colic, ADHD, brain fog, joint pain, bowel movement issues, and much more. I was diagnosed through blood test but a lot of dr's don't think to check that. I went all my life with many issues like sinus trouble, indigestion, acid reflux, joint pain and bloating only to treat the symptoms. Finally, while waiting on bariatric surgery it was discovered. I never had the surgery, got pregnant but they did find celiac. Gluten is the devil for some.
09.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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