My baby is 3 months and is rolling from back to belly but can't figure out how to rolled back over. She sleeps in a rock n play and I'm terrified to move her to a crib cause she doesn't realize to lay her head sideways, she lays her nose face down. Any suggestions on things to let her sleep in? She's too big for a bassinet too.

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She does, she rolls over and I leave her there until she gets crappy. She was on my bed earlier and she rolled over and face planted and didn't move her face so it worries me, I'm gonna have to ease her into it
08.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
my daughter always slept on her face in her crib and stills does, nothing has happened if they feel like they cant breath they will move. and dont worry about her not being able to roll back they learn on there on my daughter is now 7m and knows how yours will get the hang if it. durning the day lay her on the floor so she has more practice
08.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
It scared me too at first, but trust me she will be fine. Stay in the room with her the first couple of times and just watch her. I did that and it helped settle my nerves. Make sure you are also keeping up with tummy time multiple times a day, everyday to continue strengthening her neck muscles. That will also help her with picking up her head and calm you down. You'll be fine! I promise! 😊
08.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
She has a mesh liner that's breathable, it still scares me
08.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Putting her in her crib is a great place for her to sleep. If she is consistently rolling over onto her stomach on her own then she has enough strength to turn her head to the side when she needs air. Also just make sure there are not any extra blankets, toys, pillows, baby bumpers etc... in the crib. Those can all pose risk of suffocation. If you are worried then try putting her in the crib at nap time that way you can watch her through the baby monitor.

My daughter does the same thing, face plants into the mattress and she will stay there for a good moment before turning her head to the side.
08.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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