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hey ladies, I haven't been on here in awhile due to being so busy with my son and trying to manage my hectic busy life and trying to manage everything doing it alone. anyway I finally finished my courses to be a data entry specialist, so I get to work from home and be with my sweet boy Jaxon everyday. he's 11 months old now, and has hit all of his milestones before a year!! and started to walk on Christmas day. He's so smart and I'm so proud to be his mommy. we share such an incredible bond since I've been able to stay at home with him since birth. His doctor said he's very advanced for his age and he is above average. He's the sweetest little boy, and loves his mommy like no other.💙

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Same question
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
where did you do your data entry course
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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