I am so beyond frustrated and irritated. I fed my daughter everything when she was young with some exceptions that really made her gag. I did it all how I was told too.
Now she will not eat anything. I'm not lying when I say she has had a nutrigrain bar all day. She will sit at the table until I'm blue in the face. Usually she ends up hysterical gagging and I end up so frustrated I have to walk away. She won't even attempt to eat. I feel like I am failing and I have exhausted every avenue. I know she isn't getting the nutrients she needs and I don't know what else to do. I know the doctor is going to tell me some type of pedilite drink. Which sucks bc she is going to become reliant on a milkshake pretty much.

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My daughter is two and she has went thru weeks where she would hardly eat and weeks where she ate like everything in sight back and fourth for as long as I can remember, it just happens babies are like tht but trust me, yur child ain't starving. They will eat eventually!! It's just a phase. Totally normal.
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes. Take a bite. Take a bite. Are you eating. Big girl bite. Over and over and over
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Girl my daughter is doing the same thing except she's storing the food in her cheeks so I have to literally keep telling her to eat every 3 seconds it does get very aggravating @taybeard
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yah she only wants milk. I have cut most snacks during the day in hopes she is hungry enough to eat. Tonight I made her a shake of milk,vanilla yogurt, banana and peanut butter. I might as well shit in her cup. I know she has to be hungry. She is already skinny for her age she has no fat to spare.
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's not worth all the tears and screaming for what? Two bites?
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Same thing happened to me! Don't even sweat it mama, all that is not worth, it, get her some v8 juice and she'll be fine, my son BARELY eats and he's huge lol
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
She won't do cheese sticks. Blueberry pancakes are iffy. She won't eat mac & cheese she won't eat pizza she won't eat any chicken nugget she won't eat anything the kids like.
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
my daughter has become the exact same way. anything she will eat I will give her, I have resorted to high calorie foods like rasin bread and homemade pancakes and cheese sticks if she will eat them. if she starts loosing weight then my pediatrician said I can start giving her those supplement drinks
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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