Hey ladies just looking for some advice if anyone has been in a similar position. Me and my partner have recently split up. I live with him and his parents and our 5 month old little boy. We're on very good terms but obvs living arrangements need to change. Does anyone know if I go to council like what I should say to explain the situation. I'm a very nervous anxious person so this is a scary step for me especially with our little boy. Thanks xxx

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No problem! Good luck and don't worry. They tend to be a bit rude and moody so don't get put off, I think it's cos they're dealing with so much shit daily. But explain your situation and be firm about what you need xx
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@noshinxoxo, hey Hun. Thanks so much. I rang them up and I've got to go down Monday to speak to them. Anxiety levels flying all over but I'm going to be Brave because I need to do it for my little boy. Thankyou for advice xx
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hi hun, defo go to the council and apply for a council house. For me it had to be done in person, even appointments are on the day only, but check with your local council the appointment system and all the paperwork you need to bring in. Once you've applied then I think it's after that you can appeal for priority, in your case it would be classified as homeless and it gives you like 4 priority points or something (I did this 2 years ago so don't quote me on this!) for us at the time we didn't have any dependants so we didn't get the full priority points and were just put on the waiting list. As you have a little baby you will be given it and even if they can't house you immediately, then they put you in temporary housing.
06.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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