Should I try to get pregnant again? My baby is turning a month old on Thursday. I've had 3 miscarriages 4 babies in that.(1 pair of twins) she's the only one I have. I'm kind of scared to wait and be harder for me to get pregnant again... serious opinions please 🙏🏽
@raquely 4 years is perfect i feel, my first two were almost 4 years (3 years 9 months) apart and it really did work out wonderful... this one is going to be 2 years apart and im SOOOO scared...
@ttcroxy i wouldnt just into it too quickly... my sisters SIL was trying to get pregnant for 10 years, she had her first last dec and they decided like you to start again very soon after baby because she thought because of her struggles it would be hard, well she got pregnant first try, now she wishes she's would have waited as she will have two very little ones... my sister also had fertility issues she tried for 13 years and NOTHING not even getting pregnant once,she got pregnant with my neice and three years later had no issues getting pregnant with my other neice... i say really enjoy your time with your first and when you REALLY feel it is time for another have at it momma.
So here is what I would do...currently I'm pregnant with baby number two my son will be two and baby will be born in the same bday month. They say you are very fertile the month you got pregnant with you last child. I mean we seriously got pregnant the first month trying and same month we conceived Patrick and it was two years later. Also the fact you have had four pregnancies (even if they didn't work out) proves you are clearly fertile. I wouldn't worry about it. Enjoy your daughter first