Brandie Roberts
Brandie Roberts
hi in new here but want to reach out to other moms n I miss my babies so much it's hard to get thru the day without them I had a visit with mikey n Annie yesterday tat didn't go so well we had fun n everything but wat they told me is going on at the foster home is so wrong

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I use to get told my kids didn't want to see me but I got a lawyer and tat changed real quick
31.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
wow im sorry it's hard it took all I had to not break down yesterday but I kept a smile on my face recorded everything they said n sent it to my lawyer BC they don't need tat one of the things tat caught my eye first was my daughter's nose wen she gets stressed she picks at her nose then I noticed they tat semmed really irrational I was like wat goin on n tat wen they unloaded
31.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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