Hi! wanting some advice.
I came on my period 16th December to about the 22nd December ish. I haven't been on contraception since my son was born 9 months ago (my own reasons not to be). We aren't planning, but i decided to take a test yesterday (top picture) and it came back like this AN HOUR later.
I decided to take another one this morning, (bottom picture) and it came back like this TWO HOURS later.
i'm confused? have i had a miscarriage? am i pregnant? 🤔🤔
I've ordered some digitals with my shopping for tomorrow.
@imkelliemarie, your not meant to read them after 3-5 minutes. That line could be an evap line after that. Do a digital test. You hoping for a positive or negative xx
@imkelliemarie, I know exactly what you mean Hun, I've lost myself before and I know what you mean, you'd just rather know what is going on. I don't think your meant to take any notice of the test after that length of time so maybe that your not pregnant, I always thought the early response ones were the most accurate Hun x
They didn't come up straight away @hawkie75, which makes me think otherwise! i'lol be more balled off at these stupid tests for messing with my head. i've lost two babies before. i'd rather not know if it's happened again. (i'm not TTC, i just take life as it comes) X
They both look positive to me Hun, but did they take that long to turn that way? Should be within the 5 minute window or 3 minutes or whatever it is, you may be pregnant but very early on? Keep us posted on the digital ones Hun x