Teething help! My son is 11 weeks old now and has been teething since about 6 or 7 weeks (was bothering him off and one but nothing major). Now he screams all night long, inconsolable, and as of today he is fussy and cranky off and on during the day. My son has been super happy, active, and alert since he was born. He rolls over, loves to stand, jump, play all day, smile, laugh...he forgets he's only 2 months sometimes🙄...so I know they must be really bothering him if he's not happy and playing all day. Anyways, I was wondering if anybody has any tips or tricks to help. He's too young for most things (all the food related things) and he HATES anything cold. I'm waiting to use medicine as a last resort but I'm about ready to go buy some of it will make him feel better and be his happy loving self. Any and all tips and tricks are welcome!
I use camilia drops. they seem to calm my little and he likes taking it. any chamomile is good if you wanna soak a rag in it etc. there's also chamomile hydrosol that can go right on their gums. some essential oils on the jawline like lavender. you can rub with your finger the swollen area. mostly, breastfeeding is helping mine through it.
@starlight2054, I'll have to check ours out. They quite producing and selling in the US due to the FDA but it was up to stores if they wanted to sell them or something like that. It happened in like October this year I believe so maybe stores are just selling what they have left?