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For mamas with more than one kid .. I know I'm about to sound terrible but I feel like I don't love the baby I'm pregnant with as much as I do my 2 year old. I'm just not able to connect to my pregnancy . I suffer from very severe depression and I just don't see how I'll ever love this baby as much . Some people have said it'll come when I meet him and some say I'm a shitty mom for feeling this way .. someone please help .. PIC FOR ATTENTION

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I been there it gets better when the baby comes
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Honestly, I don't know that I was super connected to my first pregnancy, and with this one I've been so sick some days I'm almost annoyed, it's like I'm carrying a parasite... I had a rough first pregnancy and was so relieved to not be pregnant anymore I loved her instantly because as soon as she was out, I started to feel better... so I'm assuming the same will happen with this one... im not the type of woman who enjoys being pregnant... I'm already telling my husband, that This is probably going to be our last... I really don't like being pregnant... I've read that even after birth that 'love' is not always instant, it can take several months to develop! Especially if you are dealing with depression... So don't be too hard on yourself... makes sure you are honest and open with your doctor... these hormones are not always awesome! And that does not make you a bad person! Ignoring it, or pretending... that's when it can lead to bad things!
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I felt the same way because my son was only 4 months old and I hated that I was pregnant because when my daughter was born my son wasn't even 13 months old. I felt like it was forcing him to grow up too fast. After she got here I still had a hard time bonding with her because she wasn't allowing me to play with my son like I used to and it was hard for a while. Now my daughter is 3 months old and I Love her so much! She's so sweet and happy and what really helps is that my son ADORES his baby sissy. He kissed her and loves on her! There may not be that instant love but it'll grow. Watching your son be a big brother will be fun for you and him.
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
been there with 2nd, 3rd and now 4th baby as well. but as soon as that baby comes out and you get to him them for the first time. everything. will change, you will lay your life down for them just as you would your first. I had my 2nd 5 yrs after my 1st and it was definitely a struggle to accept the fact he would no longer be my only child
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was the same way. I knew there was no way I could love my new baby as much as my 2 year old...then I had the baby. I fell in love instantly just like I did with my first. I love both of my Children equally!
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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