Okay ladies going to try again. Please would like some feesback. First time mommy here. Ladies so I'm 39 weeks 3 days, I'm getting a membrane sweep later at my doctors appointment, I was wondering if any of you ladies went into labor from it ?
With this last one I had been having prodromal labor for a month and was 3cm dilated when she did it and I still didn't go on my own. It's really 50/50 so it may work but it may not.
See I'm hoping that happens to me, I've been having contractions for about 1.5 weeks already. Went into early/false at 34 weeks, and went in again 2 for false labor in the past 1.5 week.. I've been having good contractions but not really progressing. Last time I was checked I was 1 cm, 70-75% effaced, and baby was at -1.. and that was last Monday. @marinarose @goldhippie @mommytokai @angelmama12 @datnavajogirl
My Dr. never mentioned it with my 1st 2 kids it's basically a 50/50 chance of it working so I wouldn't not worth the pain. I didn't know what it was till this app lol.