Momma's I'm due in 4 weeks and haven't packed my hospital bag and I think I should here soon. The problem is I have NO idea in what to pack. What was something you were glad you had brought with you?
Chapstick, deodorant, slippers, my own towel, hand sanitizer, hair brush, hair tie & socks... For me those were the things i took that i was happy i did take.... For baby just a take home outfit and blanket
nursing cover (couldn't pull my boob out in front of family, lol) comfortable shirts and pants (5; I was admitted for 3 days) shower toiletries (although they do give you some) cosmetics, camera, and phone/charger.
my own pillow, a throw blanket. (the ones at the hospital as so thin) my own fluffy towel, the ones there are small and scratchy. I also appreciated having comfy clothes to change into after giving birth and a nursing tank and bra. I really didn't need to bring much since my hospital provided most of the nessesities