😧cleaned a little bit today went for a 30 min walk on the treadmill before do need around 7pm contractions started around 9pm but I can't tell if there the real deal or not my stomach is getting rock hard all around and I keep feeling like I have to poo like I'm gonna poo myself and my back hurts it's midnight now for me and I was hoping he would wait a little longer I'm 40 weeks I know and I feel like period cramps I just don't want to go in on Christmas and it not be true labor..his movements are very stiff if that makes any sense to anyone ...

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Since you feel like you have to poop that could be real labor. Trying taking a warm bath and relaxing. If the contractions don't stop then I would go in. When my mom was pregnant with my brother she kept feeling like she had to poop. She had finally went to the hospital and they told her she was in labor. She had him a couple hours after getting there.
25.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
They could possibly induce you since you're 40 weeks if you ask, if you feel like they are getting stronger and consistent then go in. @vixanova
25.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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