I dont want to breastfeed but pump instead..ive read pumping every 2-3 hours will keep my supply up...15 minutes on each breast..is this pretty accurate?
thank you..i wish i didnt get rid of my pump..id rather spend money on a good pump then formula.ill probably end up using both formula and breastmilk..but this time i wont give up pumping at 1 week
I got breat implants so right from the nipple is a no go( very sensitive)..i tried with my son and stopped after a week and it was such a bad experience i didnt even try bf with my daughter...Both kids were never sick and were running by 9 months so i dont regret using formula..except its so expensive so im prepared to pump👍👍might use nipple shield ...trying cant hurt but id rather be prepared to pump..how do you hand express in a bottle...or is that from just nipple?I had a electric pump by medela but i sold it after i had my first..are hand pumps as good as electric?just more work right?i dont mind more work.