Chelsea Marie
Chelsea Marie
post image
Here is another one of my favorite pictures of me breastfeeding and pumping from my journey of exclusively breastfeeding for 1 year although me and jj still have 4 months to my goal I love this art depicting the breastfeeding life and bond of mom and son that I've had the blessing of being able to experience. I know other moms will appreciate this. If you have any pictures new or old message me I would be more than happy to share how to do this 🙂 hope some of you enjoy the pictures as much as I do xoxo
This is an actual picture of me & my son edited using a pic art app
#normalizebreastfeeding #heresto8monthstrongbreastfeeding #breastfeedinglife #pumplife #art #momandson #treeoflife @themeaningofgrace #picart

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