does anyone else baby just cry all the time? I'm getting stressed. he is never happy. always wants food and cries! if I stand up and walk about with him he calms.I can't cope with crying i get worked up and stressed and my anxiety kicks off. he's currently constipated too since him coming off my breast milk and going onto anti reflux and regurgitation milk with the approval of health visitor so that making him cry too i have to help him go. top that off with a teething nearly 18 month old who's crying too and is being clingy, i feel like tearing my hair out! it's so hard looking after both of them and I know it was my choice to have them and I don't regret it I'm just finding it really hard! please tell me I'm not the only one and if I'm not then how do you cope with it? my fella goes bed in morning when I get up.cos he stays up and does the night shifts. he gets a lot less sleep than me maybe 4 hours a day. so even though he tells me to get him up if it's too much I'm reluctant too because he needs his sleep too! I just don't know how cope! Sorry for the long post xx

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18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah that rubbish line is doing the rounds ATM with professionals and annoys the crap out of me. My 3 Rd baby was in scbu and it was them that said they thought she had it when she brought up every formula feed but not her breast milk. When I got home the Gp refused to prescribe the milk she had in hospital saying the same. After months of meds more meds all he milks stopping breast milk everything we saw the dietician and she said that is crap. If your allergic your allergic. Plus babies can have a temp lactose intolerance just after birth onwards due to issue producing lactase. Anyway this time round I had a doc tell me this shit when my baby was ill in hospital after she was born. They wanted her to have formula to flush her jaundice. When I explained two of mine had cmpa she said it's not possible to develop it till they are 4 weeks old. Que my eyes rolling then what did she do throw the whole bottle up for the nurse over and over. But I got no help again till I went to her 8 weeks check spoke to our consultant nurse at our surgery and he laughed saying why is everyone saying babies can't be allergic till a certain age. Lol prescribed the milk and is phoning tues to see if we need to swap to the more broken down one which is in an amino acid base. As both my other two needed that one as they continued to reflux and be unwell. Well so far Olivia is still refluxing worse but not in such large amounts but more often. And not the whole bottle. But her previous milk was thickened whereas this isn't. But all mine have had multiple food allergies. My eldest - gluten milk and lactose and eventually soya. Her sister was the same minus gluten. And this one looks like she isn't great with quite a bit too. She will wheeze after formula not go to the toilet for days have horrific colic etc. Vomiting: as she says with her asleep upright on my shoulder after a 2 hour screaming fit At me. BUT she's had horrific smelly gas for weeks and today- it's been min and not as bad.
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@littleelf85 thank you i might try the sling! I have two carriers for him.
my boy was being sick all the time he'd bring most of a feed back up. was horrible but he's rarely sick now.

@tg123456789 thank you! will look into that too to see what it is.

@sara-lou same for me.. health visitor said she thinks he has colic too. plus he has reflux and now he's constipated. so can only imagine how he feels! I know i try to take a breather when I can and when my other half is up its so much easier cos he helps out a lot and tells me to go have a break if I'm getting worked up.

@suzie80 thank you i will do. she said to try what she has said and it could be he has an allergy but they don't normally get it til 11 weeks old or something. may have got that wrong though.
what can I give him instead?
thank you all xx
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Check my posts out! My baby is on nutramigen and dr browns now. Def been a bit better but still screaming at night but I'd get off that milk it's horrid TBH on a previously bf baby. Very constipating. My baby turned out to have milk allergy but my other two do too
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes Max was always crying as a newborn unless he was feeding or asleep lol. Was such a different experience for me because Morgan rarely cried! He suffered with colic & constipation which is why I think he was so upset. Once he grew out of that he was like a different child! If it is colic or winding issues all you can really do is try out different positions, bottles etc and they'll eventually grow out of it. If I felt myself get worked up I would get my husband to take over for a few mins so I could go into another room to calm down. Then go back. Or if I knew Max was fed and changed I'd just go into another room anyways to cool down a bit. Then go back with a clear head. I know it's easier said than done by try & stay calm as the more stressed you get the more worked up they get. It will get better!
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
i had it with hettie up untill she was maybe 9 weeks. when awake all she wud do is cry. all i can say is it does get better honestly. she just changed overnight. i swear though by colief it helped with colic and constipation @clarebear83
but i was going insane. really was so know how u feel xx
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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