How many women would actually stay with their partners for the sake of their kids? Like if one of you cheated and the both come up with the option of staying together but separate for the kids?
it's not healthy for the children to stay in a relationship for them. they need to grow up knowing what a good healthy relationship is. the only way they gage this is from their parents.
I don't think people should just stay together bc they have children together. Parents can still be there for their kids even if their not together. Children can sense unhappiness. Why stay with someone if your not happy. I'd rather see my parents happy separated than live in a house with them unhappy and miserable with each other.
Personally, not me. I rather be single and put all my best energy in my kids than to deal with someone I could barely stand, and they end up seeing it. lol. Some can pull it off. Though, I don't think I could.