Kelsey Pobletts
Kelsey Pobletts
Postpartum question.. Soo it's been 7 weeks and ever since I had my son I get his.. Almost like a throbbing pain right above my pubic area , directly straight down from my belly button . It's not enough pain that I'm in tears but it's enough to make me go "ow" and it just randomly happens it's not constant. And today it started when I woke up and it's 8:30pm and I still keep getting it . Anyone know what this is? I'm afraid it could be something serious from giving birth. I asked my OB and he said he didn't know what it would be . 🙄 please help , I'm freaking out and I may go to hospital tomorrow to see if they will check me out .

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Do you breastfeed? It could be the uterus contracting itself back to its normal state which I hear can be painful.
08.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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