Suzanna bishop
Suzanna bishop
Helllllp! So my lo is suffering so badly with colic and vomiting she screams for three hours every night, excessively feeds and is in awful pain. She had her milk changed today to nutramigen lipil 1. Diagnosed with cmpa. But the burping and proceeding to completely eject near whole bottles in the evening is driving me nuts. Actually had a river on my duvet tonight. Anyway she is on gripe water and infacol and just swapped to dr browns bottles which she can't finish after 30 min has anyone been through the same. This is bottle change no 4 now :(

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She's been a lot different today on the dr brown bottles she isn't taking as much milk but isn't gulping it and screaming. She was progressively taking too much milk over the last 3 weeks as she has put on so much weight she has jumped two centile and still acting like I was starving her. I think she was in so much pain milk temp made her feel better then she felt worse and screamed. She's taken 1/3 of her normal today opened her bowels like normal for first time since 2 weeks old and not screamed much at all day. She's even slept better inc 4.5 hours last night after I changed bottles.
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
hettie was exactly same and i was at witts end. i was pudhing pram round streets at 2 and 3 in morn. it was awful. dr brown bottled DID def help and also colief i swear by. she was same till maybe 10 weeks. shes now a diff baby! x @suzie80
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah it's cows milk protein allergy. Runs heavily in my family and I'm lactose intolerant too. @hawkie75,
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@suzie80, aw poor thing, sounds like she might be milk intolerant, I'm not sure what cmpa is Hun?
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
She's been really ill on every aptamil milk in fact even breast milk. It's wheezing too @hawkie75,
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@suzie80, my Lil girl has reflux and we were told to go on anti reflux aptamil and also infant gaviscon and we also use MAM bottles. Works a treat Hun x
18.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
my little boy had colic when he was younger, I ended up changing his bottles he originally had tommee tippee, then I changed to Dr. Brown's but I didn't like them, ended up with mam and he's not had no colic since! will be using them in the future when I have more children 😊
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Oh i know the one, when laila was bad she would scream from 5pm till 9 and it would end in projectile vomiting, but i have to say the mam ones were best i bought, i tried dr brown couldnt get on with them she was constantly feeding but was no better and found it hard to finish a bottle, i hope the mam ones work for u hun xx
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@safiamammy1, I've just ordered 12 mam bottles but won't be in stock for a few days. I've spent over 250 pounds on bottles over the last 6 weeks. I thought we had it sorted so would but 18 bottles as she drinks at least 10 a day and it meant I had some ready for morning and not washing them constantly God I'm gonna be broke
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Not till she was 2 and my eldest was 4 it runs in my family but only 3 of my 5 have had it. She is wheezing when she drinks milk now too. I'm not sleeping more than 3 hours broken sleep and I'm up over 20 hours till I next sleep with other children who are up at 6.30 when I may have sometimes only been asleep an hour is killing me now
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
My other child used to have terrible reflux we had all the meds for it and it turned out to be very severe cmpa she needed nutramigen AA milk as she was still so sick on the normal one. But my newborn now gulps air no matter what bottle and her tummy is visibly distenddd even the consultant has said how bad she is. I just don't know what to do. The won't prescribe the other milk until we see the dietician as this one is over 60 pounds a week to use. She is kept upright for up to an hour after feeds and try not to move her much. But at night mainly she screams like she is being killed, feeds then feeds soon after and screams for more then pain etc. I'll look at mam bottles
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Have u tried MAM bottles hun? My eldest was worst for colic and i tryed all sorts but they helped loads xx
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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