Okay, ladies.. I need your help !
My daughter just turned 9 months old Monday. I have never left her to go somewhere without her (other than running in a store for like 5 minutes and other things here and there lol). Well tonight is my boyfriend's (her dad's) Christmas party at work. It is at an expensive buffet, so they are only allowing one guest per worker. I figured I would go.. I mean it is his Christmas party ! We are currently living with his parents, so she will just be staying with them. This does not worry me and is actually comforting. Since we live with them, they know her schedule, how to comfort her, etc. She will probably not too much notice that I am not in the house being that she is so young .. & his parents are very involved with her on a day to day basis. So I don't think it will really be out of the ordinary for her. However, I'm worried that I will get upset. I already normally have anxiety and such and I am worried that I will have like a panic attack or get really upset. I don't wanna ruin his night or anyone else's. I'd like to be able to stay through the Christmas party. So.. if any of you mamas have any advice, experience, etc.. it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance ! Hope all is well with each of you !!

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@beebaby, you mean with the second baby ? Does it ever get easier !? 😭
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby, thank you so much ! I'm headed back home after getting gas. It was only a couple (few) hours, but I was still so nervous !! It's hard after being with them all day every day for so long !!
17.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@heera, you're welcome ! & thank you ❣️
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Awwwww thanks hunn!! 💖💕💖💕💖 you too!!
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@heera, thank you ma'am ! Feel free to message me if you ever need anything or just wanna talk. (:
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Your very welcome hunn!! Goodluck and have the best time everrrrr!!!!!
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@raquely, I know she will be fine with them. I just have separation anxiety because I'm so used to being with her.. on top of my normal anxiety! & yes ma'am. I know to an extent she will realize I'm not in the house. Like I said, his parents do things with her a lot on normal days. So I know they will be able to keep her comfortable and pretty much in her normal routine. I guess I just meant that since they're here with her a lot too, it won't be as much of a change as having someone else keep her. & she won't be as aware as like a toddler that can be like where's mommy !? Lol.. Although she will still know I'm not home. And that's a good idea. It's good that you had that option available. Thank you for responding! (:
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@heera, thank you so much ! These are all great tips. I took your advice and am requesting a pic every 30 minutes. (:
Thank you again !
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby, thank you ! It means a lot. I'm gonna try my hardest.
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Ive been there. Everyone needs a break at some point. And clearly your a good mommy. Everytime you feel yourself getting antsy or a little upset, just look at her picture. That always helped me. When I was like that. But I only get like that when my babys are very little if that makes sense? My youngest is only 3 weeks old and today will be my first time going out for a little but without her aside from when i ran to grab i have that separation anxiety starting to kick in lol....but deep breaths an just try to have fun. Or even have whoevers watching her send you a picture of her every 30 min or hour or something. Have fun girl!!! Have some you time lol...
16.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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