if I could post a video on my son screaming and crying like he does all day and all night Non-Stop I have recorded him it sounds like pain cause everybody says that it's not normally like that not to mention he's grunting and pushing all day long but the doctor said he isn't constipated he has done this for about 6 weeks and we've been switching his formula to see if it helps my mom told me to try story because the iron was too much for me in the formula and I did the same things my son does by projecting the formula out of his mouth really bad screaming and fussiness and passing gas the doctor had us on the sensitivity which is the orange can it didn't work as for fussiness colic and gas so he switched us to the purple can it's hypoallergenic but pretty much does the same thing without milk in it and then today my husband got the Enfamil to see if it'll help today I'm not understanding what the differences between the cans they all have the same amount of iron in it and they all do the same thing can someone please explain to me what the difference is
well when he was breast fed he seemed to be doing fine until I dried up and we put him on formula that's when it all started the doctor tried switching it and he's been on the purple can for a while now he was only on the orange can for like a week before he switched into a purple can and it just seems to be getting worse so today we just now decided to try the soy ...I'm not sure I'm so confused I have post partum depression I been crying none stop because he cries all day every day and never stops grunting and pushing and seems so uncomfortable