I will never understand the relationship between my BIL and his "baby mama" (still don't know if the baby is hisπŸ˜’ he said he didn't want to know because he didn't want to miss out on the baby, which I get but...what are you going to do when that baby may or may not start looking like you and you get mad at her??) they are only together on the weekends, but SHE always posts about how he's never around to help and how she'd smack him for a million dollars if she had the chance and how she wishes he'd step up and be in "their" child's life, but she's out with tom dick and harry and liking their pics and commenting on them. And my BIL is out with sally sue and harriett but says he only wants to be with her. But the moment anyone brings up if they're ever going to start dating again (they both cheated on each other constantly EVERY TIME THEY DATE) they get all cuddle and say they are. Am I the only one confused here or...? Like what do I do cause I love my BIL and I want him to be happy but to me it seems like they're both just being immature (she's 21 and he's 19) and beating around the bush