omg really gosh on your due date as well! well actually your babies gonna be born on my due date hahaha! and I haven't had anything yet D:. gosh I would be abit embarrassed myself but still at least your gonna have your baby boy in your arms very soon!. you will soon may just be slow labour. Haha so do I but don't think so as of yet xxx make sure you put pics up
@winterbaby2016 yea it has at 12.15 I was outside buying a Xmas tree and my water broke 😂😂 was so awkward. But I still don't feel any bad pains I feel a little but I will be induced and kept in the hospital at 5am. Yea I hope ur baby will come soon as well 😃 xxx
@chesscalouise2 nope no pain still. But I will be induced at 5am regardless so I am just resting now having some food and trying to stay calm and relaxed. Need to have energy for the labour 😃 x
My first labour waters went and no pains for 25 hours they then induced me, it was nearly 14 years ago so i know the rules have changed over time but i had the antibiotics too during labour xx good luck x
My waters broke at 10.30pm and I never had a single pain at all or contraction so I had to be induced everyone is different my best advice to you is get all the rest you can get now because in the next 24 hours your gonna be exhausted I wish I slept
More but I stayed awake thinking I would into labour x
Yeah and then confuse us I been asking people and looking it up and u can't find anything that says it's a risk I'm gonna keep look because I'm intrested now x
@myfirstbaby2016 I had a slow leek with my last and I was never told not to go on ball while waters are still leaking I find it amazing how one hospital say one thing and another says something else xxx
That's rubbish! They broke my waters in hospital and had me on the ball as my contractions didn't start. Every labour they let everyone on the balls with broken waters. That's why they are in the labour unit rooms for that purpose. Which stupid midwife told u that!
The likelihood is that your contractions will start within 24 hours to 48 hours of your waters breaking. At least 60 per cent of women go into labour within 24 hours(NCCWCH 2014, Pintucci et al 2014) and most of the rest go into l
11.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
i remember waters going in the morning then 1am went hospital was only 1cm dilated id try sleep as much as u can i did and i slept through most labour did wake up in agony once contractions got closer together xx wish u all the best xx
@chesscalouise2 they told me to come back at 5am and they will keep me and will give me antibiotics because my water would be broke for 18hrs and then they call the labour... But hopefully the pain will start soon. 😉 xx
11.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
you may have a slow labour my waters broke and gave birth 37 hours later id imagine ul get pains during the night xxx
as soon as my waters went I was in complete agony but I was induced do as much walking as you can it helped me so much to get my labour started after they inserted the first gel ano you haven't been induced yet but defo try the walking can't hurt xxxx