Introducing my new little one! She came early at 37weeks 4 days after dancing Friday night, shopping Saturday, eating a buffalo wing and cleaning Sunday when my water broke. Blessed to have the easiest 1st pregnancy and labor ever. Kaiser staff didn't believe I was in active labor. I ended up having a precipitous 1 hour labor, pushing 5 counts in 30 minutes 12 hours after my water broke with no pain medication. Staff apologized, other staff heard about me the next day and were surprised to see me jump out of bed the next morning and saying I did not look like I just had a baby. No pain with first pee/poo and I'm barely bleeding 5 days later. Hypnobirthing worked for me!
I think I am going at 37 weeks I have been having contractions all day starting last night. my husband keeps saying I should get checked out. I guess I am waiting for my water to break but it never did with the first two I had so. the pains hasn't eased up with drinking water either.