My daughter is 6 weeks old and we've given her a pacifier since about week 2. We've also used bottles occasionally since the day we brought her home and she still latches great when I breastfeed her
I feel like that's what mine is doing already.. comfort nursing. I'm going to try out the paci and hope it won't cause any issues. @mamahoude Thank you!
My baby is only two weeks old and has used a paci since day one. She does a horrible job of holding it in her mouth most of the time but she still uses one. She latches great and has no problem breastfeeding💖💕💖💕💖.
I have the day after birth and he was fine . He wouldn't go to sleep without a paci and I wasn't about to sit there with him on my boob 24/7 just for comfort nursing. He only takes the paci until he falls asleep and then he spits it out .