Hey guys!
Waaaay too early, but my body clock has been screwed for weeks now! #PreparingForBaby.
I have a cesarean section booked for 4 days time as i have a stubborn breech and failed an ECV 4 times, this is my first baby and i am TERRIFIED of having a section.
I will be a single mum and have no idea how i am going to cope.
If anyone has had one and can advise, this would be fab,

Thank you!! X

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Thank you x
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@terri995, i had the same happen with my 3rd and 4th baby, with 3rd they couldnt turn him and i was already 7 days late, so they did a section next day, i didnt hve much time to think about it but i was so worried and scared and it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, yh it is painful but i was up and about doing stuff each day in house i couldnt sit seeing mess about so just got on with it, with 4th she was planned section becuase my 2 natural births had been induced and they said there would be no way they will turn her and then induce me with the scaring ect, only 14 months between my youngest 2, and now im having a section on 20th, im shit scared again even though ive been there twice and had the procedure it doesnt get any less scary, just think u will have ur baby out safe and sound and healthy, a few weeks of pain or discomfort is worth it, just take it easy and dont over do it, i found the more i got up and down the easier it became over the the week, but deffinatley take it easy hun xx
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Honestly it's not 😊 I thought it would of been a lot worse then what it actually was. You'll be fine 😊Plus having bubs totally takes ya mind of off it too lol ya don't have time to think ya waaaaaay to busy enjoying having cuddles lol. Just remember to take things slowly, especially when getting up, basically anything that involves using ya stomach muscles xx
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Wow thank you! Doesnt sound too bad then! Xx
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I ended up having an emergency c-section so I was totally unprepared. To be honest the thought of having 1 scared the shit out of me, I spoke with a friend about them while I was pregnant, little did I know I'd actually be having one! But it's not as bad as I thought. I was under while they was doin it so I can't comment on that part but first day it's sore but you get pain killers to help, I needed a bit of help getting outta bed the first time but after that I just had to brace my self when gettin up slowly etc but to be honest your sooooo wrapped up in your precious baby you kinda forget about what you've had done/feel. As each day does it's gets easier to walk and do things. By the 3rd day I was getting up so much easier etc. 5th day they took my dressing off and it wasn't as bad as I expected. I couldn't really feel the area, I still can't 100% It healed a lot quicker than I thought it would. At the beginning if ya mum can help you that's great, my mum did I'm living with her and I'm also a single mum. As you feel better just make sure you don't push your self to much and take it easy when getting up etc it does get easier as the weeks go by 😊 it's been 13weeks today for me and my scars completely healed its just faint red line now xx
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm staying with my mum who is a foster carer, so she has to attend meetings and stuff but will be able to give me the immediate help, other than that... i just have to go it alone!x
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do u have any help for when u come home cos you will need it?
10.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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