my daughter will be 13 months on the 15th and i stopped breastfeeding her when she was 3 months old. i still have what i think is a clogged milk duct in my right breast. It doesn't really hurt except for a little bit when i touch the knot. should i still be producing? if so is it normal for it to only be in one breast and only from one duct i believe?

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@graciesmommy15, I think you may have a cyst then. It's a tough little ball and it may seem like a clogged duct. I've had quite a few. If it's not painful it usually is nothing to worry about. But I had 3 painful ones that required surgery due to being life threatening. Have the doc see :)
08.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
that same duct has been clogged for months now and isn't getting any smaller or bigger that i realize. its so weird. thank you though @bethanysmommy
08.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah that's totally possible! Massage it and take a warm shower. It can get painful later on
08.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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