@mommy.to.sterling girl, his hair looks gross right now lol i slathered a load of aveeno baby lotion to hold him off until the morning. he looks craaaazy lol plus he only has hair on one side of his head now since he literally ripped the other side off the past week. he likes to pull his hair when he feeds...I've put gloves on him but he rubs so hard that it takes the hair off either way so he looks like he has a mohawk from the side...lol in actuality, he's just bald!!😂
@mommy.to.sterling I'll have to give in and get a bottle of coconut oil this week. i have pure coconut oil in the kitchen strictly for cooking...lol does that count?!
@jgruenwald my son broke out with baby oil...his whole forehead became enflamed when he kept rubbing it down during the 15 min wait that i was soaking his hair 😰