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What is a stay at home mom? What does she do? What does she look like?

This is a stay at home mom. This is the harsh reality that no one tells you about.
When I took this picture I had just gotten out of the shower. I couldn't remember the last time I had washed my hair. The amount of dry shampoo that was washed out probably could've filled an entire bottle back up. The 2 day old makeup was gone and the dark circles were reveled. What should've been a 10-20 minute shower turned into 60 minutes because well, when was the last time I shaved? And the shower didn't have my sweet child in it who had about driven me insane that day. The shower didn't have the living room that I had cleaned 6 times that day. No one was screaming like they were being murdered. No one was licking food off the floor like a cat. No one was peeing or spitting food on me. I'm not having to teach someone that's it's not ok to bite nipples. No one was telling me how being a stay at home mom wasn't a job. Or that I had it easy. It was a safe place to cry. Not necessarily because I was sad, but because I felt I was hanging onto my last thin string.
In the shower there was no mirror for me to look into and see how desperately I needed my eyebrows done. Or how horribly uneven my boobs are because I have an untamed gorilla sucking the life out of them more often than not.
There's no one making me question if I'm a good mom. There's no one trying to pressure me into decisions I as a mom arnt comfortable with. There's no one making me question the decisions I'm making as a mom. There's no one making me fight the urge to tell them to mind their own damn business. There's no huge pile of laundry that just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

In the shower there's no pressure to pretended to be the perfect mom with no issues. Because what I put on Facebook isn't always reality.
I do my makeup and change into 4-6 different outfits just to take pictures to post on different days just to make it seem like I have my shit together. But I don't. I pretended my depression and anxiety aren't eating me alive. I pretend my house is spotless 24/7. I pretend my child didn't eat hour old cereal this morning because apparently that's not gross to him. I pretend that I don't forget to eat on a daily basis. I pretend that getting ready to go to the grocery store doesn't take over an hour.
My list could go on for hours. But I'll stop here. So if you made it this far I just want to make sure you got my point.
1. If your a stay at home mom that relates to this just know your not the only "disgusting" mom hasn't washed her hair in days and doesn't have her shit together.
2. If your not a stay at home mom but know one just know, there's more to what we post on Facebook and before you judge us just ask a day in our life.
3. If you live with a stay at home mom there's probably a lot she's not telling you. Make sure to ask if she's ok often. Because chances are r she's not.

Being a stay at home mom is not easy. But it's worth it.

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